Version 2.2 Released Early!

Version 2.2 Released!.png

We were working through some usability enhancements to improve the behaviour of Microsoft® OneDrive interactions when a key user reached out with a request.

In recognition of the value, just a few days later we had prototyped the change and emailed the user for feedback.

The user was delighted at the response! And so were we!

Aligned with our Vision (wanting you to have the latest tools available such that you can optimise your business) we decided to draw a line in the sand, declaring MVP for version 2.2.

Now with updates despatched we're blogging about the excitment we shared with our customer.

So if you are investing time in report creation when you'd rather be focussing on your business, Contact Us now and then we can work towards being agile together.

Don't delay, time is money and you only have so much time in a day.


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